Viraj Amarasinghe
A friend of the world” Kindness is my armor. Generosity is my weapon.”
Hi, I’m Viraj.
Call me Mr. V. As time goes you will learn about me. But let me tell you one thing about me. I like to help people to make their life better. I am a spiritual person. I have a spiritual journey. It went up and down and still change. Yet I learn about life, my mind and my mistakes. I make mistakes. I am not Mr. perfect. But i make progress.
Hello Everyone,
I am Viraj Amarasinghe. Call me Viraj. I am originally from Sri Lanka. I have been living in Tampa US over a seven Years. I have a little brief story. I left home right after high school and lived in a forest with monks practicing Buddhist Meditation and mindfulness. I have lived in caves and different forest areas practicing isolation and focused on developing mind through meditation and mindfulness. A year later I became a forest monk and continued to practice meditation for 12 years. Six years out of the twelve, I was practicing and I started to help more people to understand the concept of meditation and began to teach around the world. I was invited to the USA, to start a branch of meditation and thus far I have established a center here in Tampa Florida working for the organization and teaching meditation around this country. After five years of doing that I decided now it is for me to get more education and help more people around the world without being obligated to any organization or religious background. I resigned from the organization and enrolled in HCC pursuing my A.A degree in Computer Engineering, this is my last semester. I will be graduating from HCC as an honor student with, over 70 credits hours at the end of this year completing exactly two years in HCC.
Currently, I am serving as president of Phi Theta Kappa honor society Ybor campus chapter and I am a regional officer for Florida service office of PTK. Further, I am a member of HCC honor foundation, Future Business Leaders of America – Phi Beta Lambda Information (P.B.L ) and The National Society of Collegiate Scholars (NSCS).
I work full time but this month I am stepping out on faith to a new change in my career, by starting my own business. I am starting a Web design and marketing agency as well as computer literacy academy for seniors. I am scared, but exited to make many changes for the better. My hobbies are Photography, poetry and proud to say that I published my first poetry book in the beginning of this year ( I will be publishing two more books in this year. I do practice meditation, yoga, and I also love Martial Arts as well. Volleyball, Tennis, Cricket, soccer are some of my favorite sports.
I am an outgoing, friendly, funny person and always want to be happy. I make friendship almost with everyone on this great journey of life. I am glad to see you all in the class and looking forward to learning about all of you and feel free to talk to me and become my friend and I am your friend always no matter what.
“Life is healthier when you have good friends, so do not be afraid to be a good friend to others”
Thank you all.
Viraj Amarasinghe.
My Approach
My approach to life is little different. I have an Asian type of spiritual approach came from the best spiritual teacher who ever appeared in the human history. That is the Gauthama Buddha. He is my teacher and it is true that I was a Buddhist monk but, I was failed to continue that life . I love that life but had to make a change. Yet, I still stronglly belive in what he taught and try to become a better example as one of his student. It is not easy but it makes my life easier and more valuble.
So, i strongllly belive in that I am responsible for my own actions. That is why I think that, we can make a possitive change in this world. All what we have to do is that keep possitive and good actions going and make a strong coonection among those who engage in such actions.

My Publications
- Poems from the universe
- Grounding Thoughts
- My Dream Girl