Get to know me
Hello Everyone,
I am Viraj Amarasinghe. Call me, Viraj. I am originally from Sri Lanka. I have been living in Tampa, U.S., over seven years. I have a little brief story. I left home right after high school and lived in a forest with monks practicing Buddhist Meditation and mindfulness. I have lived in caves and different forest areas practicing isolation and focused on developing the mind through Meditation and mindfulness. A year later, I became a forest monk and continued to practice Meditation for 12 years. Six years out of the twelve, I was practicing, and I started to help more people understand the concept of Meditation and began to teach around the world. I was invited to the U.S.A. to create a branch of Meditation. Thus far, I have established a center here in Tampa, Florida, working for the organization and teaching Meditation. After five years of doing that, I decided now it is for me to get more education and help more people worldwide without being obligated to any organization or religious background. I resigned from the organization and enrolled in H.C.C. pursuing my A. A degree in Computer Engineering, this is my last semester. I will be graduating from H.C.C. as an honor student with over 70 credits hours at the end of this year, completing precisely two years in H.C.C.
Currently, I am serving as president of Phi Theta Kappa honor society Ybor campus chapter, and I am a regional officer for the Florida service office of P.T.K. Further, I am a member of the H.C.C. honor foundation, Future Business Leaders of America – Phi Beta Lambda Information (P.B.L.), and The National Society of Collegiate Scholars (NSCS).
I work full time, but this month I am stepping out on faith to a new change in my career by starting my own business. I am starting a Web design and marketing agency as well as a computer literacy academy for seniors. I am scared but excited to make many changes for the better. My hobbies are Photography, poetry, and proud to say that I published my first poetry book at the beginning of this year ( I will be publishing two more books this year. I do practice meditation, yoga, and I love Martial Arts as well. Volleyball, Tennis, Cricket, soccer are some of my favorite sports.
I am an outgoing, friendly, funny person, and always want to be happy. I make friends almost with everyone on this incredible journey of life. I am glad to see you all in the class and looking forward to learning about all of you and feel free to talk to me and become my friend, and I am your friend always no matter what.
“Life is healthier when you have good friends, so do not be afraid to be a good friend to others.”
Thank you all.
Viraj Amarasinghe.

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